Saturday, January 26, 2013


Woolie back sheeps

Yes, it's a snap straight from Island Crofters series. But I post it here as for some reason I seem to out of new snaps today. I could recycle something from the past but I prefer the future in the main.Though this morning as we sat in bed with the warm sunshine glistening off the Minch, we trolled through some old prints I found in a box. Lovely stuff there straight from the last century when I was working at the Manchester Velodrome for my sins - and even before that. Amazing - and rather worrying how time flies so quickly. Looks like someone else's life not ours.

Tis a nice snap all the same. I've even been into the darkroom with this neg as someone wanted a print. And I might have another spare if there is any interest!


mbt said...

Looks like someone else's life not ours.

Love that line!

astrobeck said...

I do adore this sheep. I was wearing wool today myself since it was a bit cold. Lucky sheep, they always have their coat!