Saturday, January 20, 2007

Old train, old film, old camera, old pho...

"Dad, did you drive one of those?" - at least I'm sure I heard that kid on the shoulders of his dad say.
Took this snap with the Kiev 60 this morning. I had it loaded with some Perutz B&W film - old stuff. Rated it at 400 and sloshed it in R09.

This line runs near my house and this train seemed to moving rather quicker than the ones that usually use it. There is another of this train over on my FLICKr.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Christmas Day on the beach

Near North Tolsta there are a couple of lovely beaches. We spent Christmas day on one, flying thekite and generally having a great time. Rocky especially seemed to enjoy himself - see here playing 'King of the Castle'.

Was quite mild actually. The snaps were made on a Perkeo 1 with HP5 sloshed in a LC29/Ilfosol cocktail for 8 mins. I took the snaps!

Saturday, January 13, 2007


I came aross this on the site of John Sexton and it is well worth repeating here.

1. Never get used to anything
2. Hold on to the child in you
3. Keep your curiosity alive
4. Trust your intuition
5. Delight in simple things
6. Say "Yes" to life with passion
7. Fall madly in love with the world
8. Remember: Today is the Day!
–Ruth Bernhard. October 14, 1995

Ruth, a legendary photographer passed away aged 101

Friday, January 12, 2007

A Stroll

Tis wet and draughty in Manc. today. The brollies spent a lot of time inside out. Escaped from work I spend my time watching the world before retreating to the cafe in the Royal Exhange Theatre.

"Are we in the right place Madge?"
Royal Exchange Theatre foyer, Manchester.

Then, once coffee was drunk, the sun came out - all too briefly.
Pentax P30/Era100/R09

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Christmas Day

.. was spent on the beach during daylight hours. Eve took some snaps with her Pentax and some generic 400 film.

Above, me.

Below, Eve flying the kite.

Local beach near Tolsta

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Old pic, new airing

The day was dull, I had some time so I went looking through some old images. Colour is not usully my think but I liked this one taken in the old Gevebox on clour neg film. Local place - Dovestones. A Hasselblad snap from the levels on FP4 in R09. Lovely place and well worth a visit.

Mondo reading in my home. Taken with a Hasselb. on Tmax400 again in R09

Friday, January 05, 2007

Flambe' fun !

Eve taking in the Christmas airon The Big Beach on Lewis. Me using Perkeo WITH FLASH!!! Forte 200/Fotospeed FD10
Vic managed to flambe' the back of head after first marinating himself in The Golden Liquid. Luckily, he was unhurt!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Looking towards Cape Wrath

Agfa Record. HP5 FD10
On Christmas day - below
Perkeo1. Forte200 FD10. [don't like this film at all!]

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sand People

When you are on Lewis, a visit to the beach is always on the cards. Here is Eve and Victor plus Rocky and Frank sampling the venue over Christmas. Look down towards your feet and a whole new world opens up.

Monday, January 01, 2007

24 hrs from.................

Tolsta ! Yep, just back after a long journey home after a wonderful week in our new little home there. Didn't want to come back either. Anyway, will have some new snaps soon. In the meantime, Happy New Year.