Friday, January 31, 2020


We have  been off the rock for a few days taking in some culture and curry on the mainland. That's how it was. Lovely to be back though.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Jane and Rodney Ellingworth [team principal of Bahrain - Mclaren cycling team ] after a few days being rained upon on the rock here - a few years back.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Back in the day etc. 

I met Marv Smart who was preparing the signage for a big cycling  event at the Manchester Velodrome where I worked. Lovely chap and I took this snap of him. I notice there's an article about him online at the moment here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Shot Monday afternoon, developed in the evening before work then scanned in the morning

Monday, January 20, 2020


Keith Akabilly practising his shadow theatre skills whilst on a stroll down to see The Crofter with me recently.

I can report that while I write this Keith is sleeping in the Summer Parlour.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Wee breezy out here

The breezes still abound stripping The Crofter's poly-tunnel of its ancient covering. Lucky the new houses being built down the way didn't suffer the same fate.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Bill's mothers

Looking a bit black - as it does, often at the moment.

I might get out the house if it ever stops raining !

Friday, January 17, 2020


People are big on charity here. This was a charity football tournament in bright sunshine between stormy wet days.

Lovely to hear "mental health is the winner" from one of the players. Good boy.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

One way

Ooof, the castle grounds are a lovely place to stroll on a winters day. Hope the trees are well since we have experienced a bit of a wee blow for the last few days. The grass bent over and everything

Monday, January 13, 2020

winter shine

Two go for a stroll in the castle grounds in Stornoway in the winter sunshine between storms. I was there to capture the moment on a Hassie with 50mm lens. As I can.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Land boats

I should have done a whole series on this - but I haven't. This is one of many boats out of water shots I have taken but now can't really be bothered to collect them together.

Yes, I am still using Kentmere 400 developed this time in Bellini Hydrofen. The shot was taken with an almost trusty Minolta 505si with 50/f1.7 attached.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


The pitch at Internationale Bhaltos awaits its players with the hills looking on and the sea gently lapping behind me as I snap up the scene.

I like this b/w snap of the area. I thinkyou can feel the cold wind that day and the spitting rain. Still, this beach nearby the scene was busy this day. Two other people on the beach - albeit far away in the distance.

Bhaltos Peninsula is a favourite place of mine - especially in the winter. So very lovely.

Please don't go there. I like it like this.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Drone man

I spent a few hours in the red light district yesterday - in Toots' darkroom. Sloshed a few bits of paper in chemicals, shone a light and generally made a mess!

Thursday, January 09, 2020

Have I ever told you I love you?

Oh flippin heck. The weather is awful here as I write here on Tuesday I think. Yes, Tuesday and the wind howls, the rain lashes and the cat gently and everso quietly farts in my general direction. It's a gale passing through. The bins are tied down and I have already ventured out for a while and may well do again when the Vet arrives at the Crofter's place to look as his coows tongues and tickle their ears so I can maybe perhaps take some snaps.

I will pass this little vignette of a scenette where the grass has been woven by the wind and high lighted by the winter sun. only it probably won't look like that when I pass by.

Wednesday, January 08, 2020


The little buggers are out.
and about.
At least there is some nice straw for them around

Tuesday, January 07, 2020


This was something once. Who knows what but it lays there doing nothing now.

Sunday, January 05, 2020

as you may be aware ....

I don't do landscapes.
Portraits of places yes.
People or dustbin scapes yes.
This is one of the Place portraits.

It is not on this side rather it is over the other side. Over there, the windy side.

Saturday, January 04, 2020


Walls and houses.
Recent strolls have made me appreciate the walls all the more.
they mainly stay where they are even in the foulest of weather and, create a wind free-ish zone behind them.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

there you are

Despite a whole day of the new years having already passed, the beach is still there. So I am told. I might get out of bed and have a look myself soon.

Had a lovely stroll yesterday with Eve and the Toots'. It was rather wind blown but I can confirm my hat of choice for the day stayed in place - in my bag.

Hope the year  is going well for you so far.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020


I like walls.

Our abode is surrounded by a less than impressive concrete block wall. I wish it was a dry stone wall.

Have a fine and creative 2020. Stay safe, healthy and do call in for a cup of tea if you are passing xxx