Saturday, January 30, 2021

Friday, January 29, 2021

Deborah Parkin

" Me head's in tickets."

Only my head isn't, it's firmly stuck in a dark place atm. It started a couple of days ago when I realised [again] how hopeless I am. I thought a night of sleep would help but it didn't since I am having trouble sleeping.

I lay wide awake trying meditate myself to sleep then relenting and taking up my phone I spent time looking at stuff. Sometimes this helps but often as not doesn't but when my head is 'in tickets' it's neither here nor there.

But, and there is one, I was re-acquainted with the work of Deborah Parkin who is currently doing wonderful things with cyanotypes.

I mean, look at this; 

Just wonderful, and it lifted my spirits.

Now, if you want more lovely goodness, look at Deborah's website here

Thursday, January 28, 2021

He's still there


He is still there, awaiting in the Bird Box.

I called round to see where he was.

He might be in the darkroom today.

I say 'might'.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Sink in field


This the sort of up-market facilities that can be available here. Along with rusty, abandoned cars and vans.

Monday, January 25, 2021



We have yet to try the delights that I'm told emanates from this business Crust like that but I can assure you we will. 
It was nearish here one day moving along the adjacent road that we first saw the amazing purple haze that appears sometimes just before sunset [see here for interesting info]. At first we thought it might have been the glass of the car window causing it but it was the same when we wound that down.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

I think this deserves an Oooooof


Another snap from a recent stroll in sunshine. It's practically rained or snowed ever since.

Saturday, January 23, 2021



Nearish Tong, well a village away from Tong I found this covefed to within an inch of a homage to tRumpism 

Doesn't the world feel a little better without 

the orange lump there.

Friday, January 22, 2021

Like a dry fish


There's plenty more of these around the place. I might show you some.

With the rain as it is as write, some of these boats might be floating again right where they are.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

and back to bikes


After the highlight of seeing the back of the orange lump it's good to see some bikes in the castle grounds again.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Not quite a whole wall.


Excuse me while I sit here in mild amusement while I wonder if the title of this post actually makes sense.

Monday, January 18, 2021



I like old walls and there are plenty to marvel at here on the island. They are not all in this good state.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Oh, the light


Yes, I took a whole roll of film this day. It was so lovely, the light, the walls and the company [Eve].

And yes I did do something on the pooter as I haven't got round to printing it yet. I will though.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Two [whiteish] sheeps. By a wall in the winter sun. Posing,


This was on a stupendous day recently. The snow lay round about, crisp and even at home but on the other side of the island it was almost another world. The sun shone and temps rose to at least 1c. 

These two posed happily. Well, fairly happily but were a tad non-plussed when I could offer them nothing to eat. I have apologised and offered instead to make them famous - as much as I can. So here they are.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Three in the light


Did I tell you the light was lovely? I mean, did I ?

Caught with a Minolta 505si and Foma200 film.

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Strolled out


Eve and I took a wee stroll out with the Toots' the other day down this new to me  track hereabouts Gress way. Nice too. 

I couldn't help myself doing a wee snap up as we went as the light, oh it was lovely.

Friday, January 08, 2021



Took the Voigtlander Perkeo and Foma100 film out in the winter sun the other day. I must say it seemed to enjoy the day even if I messed up putting the film in the developing tank - along with a polypan-f film and partially ruined a batch of masterpieces. 

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Two more


Two more snaps from the sadly non-functioning Minolta A3 camera the other day with toots at Gress.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Keith the would be Sheepcat


Keith came down No10 croft the other day when The Crofter and Ms Emily were counting sheeps or something.

Keith came too since it was just o'er the road from home. Keith akaBilly san  wasn't quite sure what to do despite my urgings of "come by" and whathaveyou.

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Old and flakey


Yes, me the camera and film all old and flakey. The film is no longer made [Polypan-f] the camera packed up on me [Minolta A3] and I creak like an old door.

Nice couple of hours with the Toots of that parish - the next day village up the road from here. 

Monday, January 04, 2021

Have you been playing in the barn?


Ooof, Mr Crofters little sheeps found out hiding in the straw.

I caught it red hoofed with a camera no less.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Bike and legs


There we are, the first blurry snap of the year that I have looked at. Proper Polypan-f film and everything. Got to start properly.

Unfortuneatly I had just bonded with an old Minolta A3 RF camera when it packed up on me the other day so that's off to the menders since its glass is nice and everything. Luckily I do have other cameras to carry on with. 

Friday, January 01, 2021

We did it!


That's it, 2021 is here and hopefully it will stop raining/snowing, the sun will come out and we can visit this here place just o'er the bay here - a place I haven't been for a year.

Please take care, get the vaccination when you can - as we will - and stay safe and well. Always call a friend on the phone if you are feeling low or lonely. It always helps.