Sunday, September 30, 2018

My camera

My favourite camera of the year is my OM1n - given to me by my kind little sister. It's small, fab and fabulous. Basically it's superb but age got the better of it so it's been CLA'd in Bristol recently and should be back with me soon [it is- Ed.] - if the rough weather abates somewhat and the ferries start running again.

In the meantime I have been using whatever camera comes to hand and sometimes one surprises oneself at the images one can get from something old heavy and basic. I'm talking about the Zorki6 with Industar 61 lens. I'd had it loaded with Foma400 grainy film and shot this snap wide open at f2.8 then sloshed the film in Atomal 49. It is, apart from being of Mr Toots again surprisingly sharp. I might have to use this combination again soon.

Friday, September 28, 2018

It's back

The OM1n is back from being tickled back to life at Black on White in Bristol. I shot a short roll of Orwo N74 with it today to check it out.
In Rodinal 1:25.

White Van Man

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sunday, September 23, 2018


This was the moment when I managed a stroll from home and didn't get drenched by the rain, I'd tried twice before this day and got wet.

I took this snap with this plastic camera. It works.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018

I know, I know

Yes, yes, I have been remiss. Not writing the usual diatribe but hey, I haven't had a lot to show you really. But, I re-discovered this camera in a bag given to me by a very kind gent some years back. It's Soviet jobbie. Works too. It had film although I didn't know what sort or speed. So I shot with it this morning this way and that in the rain in big town of Stormoway.

I found out later it was Retro 100 film and I doused it in PQ developer and hey, I've got some nice snaps. I mean, very nice. Don't argue with me, you know I'm right on this.

Friday, September 14, 2018

A rainy day in the Uists

HP5 in Atomal 49 from the Bronnie.
I forgot about these snaps till I looked at the developed film I had found in the camera. Work and everything took me there - again. Nice place, i fact a lovely place when it's not raining. It was raining

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Boat on a wall

Not the usual thing - unless you live in Wakefield where this sort of thing happens on a semi-regular basis.
When you go to the Hepworth Gallery, you may well see one.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Insignificant changes

I changed my developer for this roll of film. Got bored with the last one so decided to try Atomal 49 to have something else to whinge about. It's ok. Makes snaps appear on the film but takes a while to do it. Is it any better than Rodinal or PQ print developer. Probably not.

However, it is quite difficult to see on this film taken on the now for sale and soon to be missed Pentax Espio Mini - which is going to help fund another Hassie A12 back which I require. Lets just say the Hassie back is not working properly now.

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Significant happenings.

The day Eve crossed the road. I believe it was to get to the other side. It was 35 c in the shade and in Poland. I think that is significant.

Friday, September 07, 2018

3 years have passed

Brother in law above mirroring a pose of a wonderful platinum print he has of a long gone relative. Martin was an accountant so here has the FT in his hands.

This is the Macleods Stone on Harris - and no, I don't know why it's there or why it's called macleods stone. Taken fairly recently on that almost fateful stroll with Toots.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

4 years have passed

That, above was near Ayr. and Angela from Buxton. A cyclist, obviously.

This below was near the Macleod Stone on the Isle of Lewis recently with Toots. Toots is obsessed with this stone for some reason. It wasn't the first time I'd been out to it with Toots - although it nearly was the last. Having lugged his tripod over the dunes, I thought I was having a heart attack ! I wasn't, just spasms but it wasn't very nice.

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

5 years have passed

While below, the other day it was lovely to have Coelyne back on the island - back to his old ways !

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

6 years have passed

And a day or three ago with the great Toots below.

Toots was looking for The Edge, and found it.