Thursday, April 25, 2013

Some days, a stroll around the village is enough to feed the soul. And other days it's not. Depends which way the wind is blowing.

Look who I met going down the road to pastures new. They are Hectors sheeps and sheeplettes dancing along with Hector in his car behind with dog in case the sheeps change their mind as to where they are going.

But they didn't change their mind. Hector waved as he passed, smiling as usual.

I was dodging the rain but the sun was shining between the showers as I shot what I thought was Foma 400@800 - but was Rollei400s@800 [yes, well, I don't usually know what I'm doing these days]. That's why the tones are a bit odd - a little IR effect and everything - goes well with the off-sharp effect I think.

And that's a house peeking over at the trailer sitting where it can out of the wind. Trailers are a bit like sheeps in that respect.

Oh, now look at the clouds; all mesmerising themselves up. Taunting my camera into not working as they leap over the poles. We like poles hereabout. They are everywhere. I never really noticed them much in England when I was there. Maybe it's just an island thing - like dead-fish and diesel.

Ah, there's the village. Or part of it - downtown area or something. Or is it the waterfront area?

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