Monday, October 28, 2024

yes, mainland.


Bit of mainland architecture to keep myself entertained.

I have yet to decided on a theme for my calendar. |W|hat do you reckon "Snaps from a rock"?

BTW;  Calum Angus Mackay has a new book out of his images and what have you. Have a look.

Saturday, October 26, 2024


I've been thinking - hence the lack of posts. Had to take a rest to recover and everything. Now I have emerged I have decided that this year i shall make a calendar using one of the online places. Have done a few previously but none in recent years. 

My image "collection" will come into this,. Images from the last how ever many years of files I have on hard discs but taken on film. Who knows, I might even like the finished article.

The above image was taken o'er on the mainland recently on what one could say was a typical Scottish day.


Thursday, October 24, 2024

Hassie stuff


I used the Hassie while away but didn't find much that inspired me. 

This is where nessie hunter is. Lovely spot I must say

Monday, October 21, 2024



Oh I say, we went to see dancers leaping about the other evening. Crept out in the dark to the big town here and sat with other opportunists. Since we live on a on a rock out in the Atlantic the dancers were on film. Scottish Ballet to be precise leaping about to Gershwin and Chopin. 

Now, being a heathen I less keen on Gershwin than perhaps I could be but having said that it was a fine performance. The colours of the film were lovely too - could have been shot on Kodachrome - only it wasn't, it was digital.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Sunday, October 13, 2024



Next door to the fine Kilmorack gallery if this fine piece of local history captured by my goodself with the help of a box and bellews and some film. Nice innit?

The gallery I might add is well worth a visitation if only to buy his fine and very readable book about the place.