Monday, August 27, 2007

From the weekend

Kate here and I took of to the village beach for a shoot at the weekend. As it happens the weather was benign so Kate didn't freeze - too much.
Taken on the Kowa FP4/r09

Friday, August 24, 2007


Nothing has happened. Apart from a trip to the beach this morning and meeting with a chum there with his little boy. hen the mist rolled in and I retreated to my darkroom. Such is the excitment of our lives.
LAst sunday we took a trip to Bhaltos and on the way picked up this Polish gent. Slav was on the way to Callanish to see the stones. We took him there so he could delight in being bitten to death by the midges!
Seems to be too many stones in this snap taken with the Perkeo

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The morning meditation

I took an hour from my busy schedule to get down to the beach for a spot of centering meditation. I sat on the old peir facing the sea and drank in the air.
Kiev 4a. APX400s R09

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm back

Been outwith my little village over the past week doing a spot of work related training on the mainland. Nightmare really. Not one chance to get my camera out and tired out now.
Still, I fished this neg out of the Jon Norfolk Suite and ran it through the scanner.
Callum is our local Blacksmith. His father started the business in 1920 and i spent a happy hour listening to tales of shoeing Clydesdale horses when Callum was a boy. Taken in natural light with the Kiev Klunker 60 on FP4 /R09. There is another image on my Flickr.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ducked off

Our eggman is a mere 20o yards from home so the food-miles are low. Paul has ducks too - this little chap wasn't too keen on having his snap taken!

KOWA 6MM FP4 /R09 Kentmere Fineprint

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Morning stroll

...took me along the 'road to nowhere' from the village and the light was wonderful. It wqas so cear I could see all the mainland mountians even though there are some 40 miles away across the Minch.
This was taken with the Voigtlander 6x9 Bessa RF on HP5 wrongly rated at 160[!!] and devl'pd in LC29. Just a neg scan

Getting towards the end of the day - 3pm actually. The gale is still blowin and the beach is behind!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A bit of a day

The storm cameth and then went away leaving a elctricity pole burning somehow - despite the rain. The men in the big red lorry came along and looked at it. Then the leci went off. That was yesterday. Now the leci is back on - and off and on and hopefully here to stay now the men have set up a new pole.
A day in the darkroom was planned but the enlarger needs some juice so, i set to doing some POP printing with a 5x7 neg I had not long developed. Good fun. Nothing to show for it here - yet. Howeer, here's a scanned neg from the Vivitar Ultra plactic fantastic camera. The landscape is wierd - on the road down from the house to the beach here on the Isle of Lewis

Monday, August 06, 2007

Sheepless in Tolsta

The village gala was resurrected after 17 years or so and held on the machair next to the beach. We had sheep reacing and everything planned. Foot & Mouth put paid to the sheep race; the weather the Gala. We almost took off over the Minch before we called a halt.