Saturday, February 28, 2009

Red Snapper Snapping

A lesson to us all, a simple camera, Voigtlander Perkeo and a lovely place can make a nice snap. The Red Snapper was there too gawping at the coastline! So, we took off down t'island a bit.
..and stopped here for a walk about. Red SNapper was most impressed and set about snapping hither and thither. Here's my version of the Red Snapper's snap

And here the Red Snapper is snapping his snap at the same place. Down t'road from Stornoway t'wards Tarbert. Somewhere.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Walking the hills

Eve & I got out in the hills last weekend and here are a couple of snaps from the Spotmatic. Just sorted the negs after spending some time earning a crust for a few days! Eh?
Tis a lovely route and we enjoyed lovely moody weather too.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


From time to time my disdain of colour snaps gets the better of me - for example, I was given some rolls of Fuji colour film by my friend Fleur - and I load up a roll of film into some old camera. this time it was the Perkeo, a fine folding camera I have had for some years since a gentleman across the pond sent it to me.
I usually visit co-villager Mr Bentham once a week and if the weather is dry, we get out for a stroll with his lovely doggie Ziggy. We walked, I snapped away. This ws the first frame I scanned and I like it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tobias and his influence

Kate's stove
Maybe I'm over egging Tobias and his influence but, hey, if it had not been for taking him round to my friends for some timely snapping, I may not have taken a few snaps myself.
Here's one I love from the Zorki rangefinder on ADOX100 in Rodinal and another of the man imself - and a bear.
The Bear

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Young and older snappers gossip
Woolies Eh!
To the castle
Trees. What else?
A whirlwind few days with work being rather busy and the young visiting snapper being at large in the house meant I've have been getting a bit tired. Still, shot a little bit and developed a bit too. Here's a couple of recent snaps from the old Kiev rangefinder with a prone-to-flare Jupiter 35mm lens on Foma Creative 200 in Rodinal.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Snapper at large

Eve- Free climbing
Ziggy Bentham - waiting for the postman
Tobias - listening to Mr Bentham
There's a snapper at large in the form of Tobias Beach-Wyld. He's up here from deepest Welsh Wales seeking some snaps for his degree. Proper camera he has too - wif film and everything! Eh?
Anyway, we have been terrorising the locality today and here's a few of my snaps.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Sometime the most weird things appear when you are using old film and pinhole images. Take these two - fresh from my BoxBlackie pinhole and on very old film in Pyrocat-HD.
To me these seem to hark right back t the earliest days of photography.


Such a wonderful morning today. Soft light and mild windless conditions. Actually, when I say mild I mean that it feels mild on account of the still air. Its actually 0 degrees . Took a stroll out to Garry beach and then up over the hill at the back. Makes me feel so very lucky to live in this place.

So, today's image is from earlier in the week using a camera gifted to me by a kind villager - a Zentit E - and some Adox 20asa microfilm gifted to me by Fleur . Its a really fine grained film yet it normally requires a specialit developer to get proper tones from it - since it was probably made for document microfilming. Anyway, I used Caffenol LC+C sourced from Donald Qualls.
Made up from instant Coffee, washing soda and a teensey bit of Vit C. Really. Excellent results me thinks.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

At the Ferry Terminal

Every now and again I meet a disparate group of nere-do-wells and Barbara where we talk photo and generally pose a bit. Today was one of those days and I took the lavender coloured cyanotype for approval - which it got :-)
Tis a fine group and I wish I had already printed an image or two from the roll of film from the little Zorki rangefinder that I souped this afternoon. Rodinal 1:100 for the Era100.
From a recent stroll round the village peat tracks and another one below taken this morning a Garry Beach with a little bit of snow!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

cyanotypes again

Been playing with the chemicals again, this time some cyanotypes. Love this one. It came out a bit feint but a quick slosh in warm white tea and a lovely lavender tone appeared. Love it!

On a totally unrelated note, it is really beginning to annoy me when people talk of personal 'success' solely in terms of economics or put another way, conspicuous consumption. Surely personal success is more related to how one lives one's life and how we feel about that rather than merely how much we can be seen to buy.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

What a great day

Winter Sun
Sun shining all day and not a cloud in the sky. Spent some time taking snaps around the village as the jalopy is in car-hospital having a transplant.
Since the rest of the Uk seemed to be having another horrible day it made the pleasantly mild day all the more pleasurable.

Oh yes, I have little book over on Blurb of the exhibition images plus a few more. See Here