Saturday, December 31, 2022

your last chance

 It's your last chance to trash my snap taking this year and welcome in 2023 which has come all too soon.

Thanks for coming this way and best wishes to you for the future wherever you are.

Friday, December 30, 2022

a wall


An interesting wall here and we have plenty more of them about the place. Most seem to be comprised at least in part of concrete. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

The past may be the future


No I don't know what the title of this post means - if anything. Just thought I'd not used it before.

As you can see we still have the mod-cons on the island. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


They are more than likely gone now since I snapped this in 2021 which seems and is a while back. time flies.

I am in for a bit of blood letting this morning so I am hoping that works out ok.

Monday, December 26, 2022

to the end


Towards the end of the year:

Was a lovely day yesterday. Walk with Eve and Keith the cat then little else apart from a morsel to eat as night fell.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Happy whatever this day means to you


Happy day to you all - whatever it means for you.

May the next year bring you much contentment and peace to us all.

Thanks so much for continuing to visit this site. I might actually get it together soon.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

wet wednesday in Stormoway


It hasn't been my most prolific year photowise this last year but it isn't about quantity but quality they tell me - I seem to have failed on both counts.

On the other hand the year has been ok and I'm still breathing. Eve is as wonderful as ever and Keith the cat hasn't eaten me.

Friday, December 23, 2022

are you expecting something new?


Not much of a chance for something new at the moment. Not feeling at ,y best and all that.

Having said that I was doing some printing for a pal yesterday which I rather hope he likes. In the meantime here's a nice wobbly horizon from o'er the back of the village here some years ago. The sea is not like that now, it has changed.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A fav snap


An old snap but  good one.

Seasons greeting to my reader. May you have a peaceful and lovely rest and a wonderful coming year.

Monday, December 19, 2022

re cycling

You are allowed to start on the mince pies now as the Festival of Over-Consumption draws nearer. Lets hope the pies are ok this year.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The crofter is OK.

 Snap from a while back when we had proper snow and everything. The Crofter on No10 croft doing something interesting enough for me to get the little point and shoot Pentax camera out my pocket and snap it up.

I was listening to this when I wrote this

Thursday, December 15, 2022

consider yourselves Happy'ed up

 That's I have done my festive bit. I am sure you feel better for that. 

now....... listen yer.

Or here if youse from down north.

You appy now Harvey :-)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Talking of which - or possibly dreaming of ....

 Accordions are a thing up here on the rock. Them Peat & diesel boys love em. But so does Kimmo - with accompanying engine. I do sometimes wonder about FInland. Must be the water.

Somehow reminds me of this.

No, I didn't want to post on the 13th.

Monday, December 12, 2022

This is not a song title either

Walking hand in hand. In the middle of the road. That's the way we do it in the Western Isles. [sorry - for those that know].

Listen here to calm yourself.

At this point I notice it's 12th of december. You will have to start thinking of buying those cards to write. And buying the postage stamps.  "Luckily" I have a less than comfortable right hand due to a small operation recently to remove a bit of an unwanted lump. Hopefully it will have mended it'self soon so I can lift a glass.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

This is not a song title


However, you can listen to Joni singing here.

The song title was a ridiculous idea anyway, one that I regretted as soon as I started it. And I don't like th tunes. Joni I like though - give a listen and then tell me what the snap was of.

I apologise also for Happy Christmasing someone up yesterday. My sincerest everything and everything. It is barely December.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The road gritter is coming to town [but not this road]

As I write this, huddled in our little house here on the island the ground outside is white. A bit white as we had a sprinkling of snow and here I relate to the title [another song related one if you hadn't realised yet] the gritter was around early this morning. The grit and salt was flying at about 5.30am as Keith snuggled down between Eve and I as I wondered why I couldn't stay asleep - again.


Thursday, December 08, 2022

a day in the life

 Don't bother me as to what this is. Surely you can see?

He goes from there to hereby then takes the load from that thing to put in a place. Can't miss the fella, regular as clockwork. But don't set your clock by him, that would be a mistake.

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

nineteenth nervous tractor breakdown

Not sure where the tractor was to be honest. I'm suggesting it was in the barn again being tickled back to life or, sitting outside in the rain slowly rotting away.

Meanwhile we were in Bhaltos walking the white sands and wondering if the rain over the hills would reach us soon. It did. Of course it did.

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

It's beginning to look a lot like the festival of over-consumption


Too much is consumed in all walks as it were. We must remember the climate crisis - although perhaps we think that's for everyone else to worry about and change destructive ways.

Monday, December 05, 2022

Rudolf the red-nosed Titarenko


Love it and everything. The blur, the greys - and we got a lot of grey in the Isle of Lewis including stornoway grey . Mr Titarenko is to blame since I saw his work - and others a couple of decades ago. Now I am obsessed to see what I cannot usually see and since I still have a lot of Polypan-f film left, I will do it.

Sunday, December 04, 2022

Saturday, December 03, 2022

driving home from Tescos

When Stormoway is happening you know it's happening.

I came across this happening the other day, and now I know about it.

The last time a happening happened was when fairly Bonnie Prince Charlie caught the bus in from Arnish to have a wee dram at the Criterion bar. So they say.

And I shop at Coop

Thursday, December 01, 2022

that stroll


I know you are thinking I am posting dark snaps these days. Well, for the most part that's because it is quite darkish light at this time of year. The sun, when it shows itself, lies low in the sky and the clouds dominate. My head is in a shady place at the moment too sadly.

At least it wasn't raining this day.

And yes, the film I was using was too slow - Foma200.