We had a visitation from The Artist -
previously known as Jon - the other evening which, as you might expect, was most welcome.. Was sat, talked about this and that, ate some food and looked at some images - all in all, a great time was had by all.
The Village
More of the Village
Only a couple of weeks ago
Mr Windy loaned me his nice little
Pentax Espio and so, enthused by the possibility of something interesting, I loaded it with colour film. So easy to use and easy to waste film - which, obviously I did. The result was - well, ordinary which I put down to the user rather than the machine. After all, Some people seem to be able to brilliant images out of any camera at all.
An old friend of mine from the soft south of the UK well, the north of England actually, accused my photographs of bleakness. So I show these rare colour snaps to show how bright it is here. Only, the weather is bad - again and I couldn't wait for next year's day of sunshine :-(
There's a wonderful artists work over
here which I implore you to look at. It's young Carl Radford.
Not sure if there's a touch of irony in your words or whether it is my Mac monitor, which tends to show images a bit darker than they are. These photos look very blue and dim. Is it really that dark up there at this end of the year? Crikey. I'm fascinated to read about island life on your blog, and always intrigued to know how an immigrant to the islands copes with living so far north. I'm a proper southern softy, down on the Dorset coast. I compare our temperatures with London at the moment and think it sounds too chilly there for me, so how on earth would I cope in your corner of the world!
Bright Blessings for the dark days, hun.
Well, the light this morning was amazing over the snow that covered the place. It's darker now at 10am as the snow falls again. As for the blue cast, must be me, not used to colour images :-)
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