Tuesday, January 15, 2013

So, there we are, grinning on the beach

Ok, so it's not pretty - but it's us.

I'd like to think I'm looking as happy as this all the time - but no, sometimes I look quite nice. And sad. For no apparent reason. That's the sort of person I am. Although sadness does come if I have nothing to share, nothing to show the world or nothing to make someone, just someone anywhere be amazed.

A box

Luckily, my love and civil partner Eve is beside me, helping me through the mire that is life sometimes. And I appreciate that. Eve often less me a take a snap of her - and sometimes her and I together - though I am less keen on that. 

The box didn't mind me snapping it up. so I did. With the Olympus XA2

Now look here please.


gz said...

A lovely portrait of the pair of you...love and happiness always to you both.
xx gz & Pirate

trimaliny said...

so nice, smile brings beatifull