Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I didn't mention this before

I was using an old Minolta 505si I bought for about 2/6d some years back for the Tweed Ride snaps. Can easily alter the ISO for the Polypan-f film I used, you can switch off the AF, and it does the exposing thing properly. Not that this usually bothers me but still. Only thing is, this particular body has stopped rewinding automatically for some reason and I can't be bothered to look up how to alter it back. So, for the second time of late I have opened the back of the camera to accidentally expose the film to the light and this adds little to the effect I'm after.

The effect I'm after is Utter Gorgeousness. That's a photographical term for 'nice'. I'm still searching.
Having said that, this next imaage does come somewhere near U-G nestling just behind the Futurists and beside the Rubbishists.

For those in the know it's a bikist on a Moulton bike.

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