Tuesday, April 02, 2024


Told you they were everywhere. whizzing this way and that - all ages aboard and not an obvious problem anywhere. 

Got the bike Eve is going to use for a forthcoming retro bike ride down from the loft. A lovely campag equipped Euroba - race owned by a good pal Vic Posse. The freewheel is being super-efficient as I write, freewheeling in both directions which it shouldn't. I have let loose on the wd40 and hope that will do the trick.

Bear with me while go out to the darkroom to develop a film. Will not be long.



Harvey said...

That is an amazing picture, the way the scooter and rider are just isolated from the surroundings.
I’m sure the W in WD40 stands for Wheel, so it’ll be a runaway success without it being an actual runaway.

John said...

I am catching up with your posts after some days away, but just want to say Harvey is spot on. This is a lovely image.