Wednesday, April 03, 2024

bin on hols

 Did I mention we been on hols. I'm recovering well since you ask. In fact I went out for a leetle island photo jaunt with me pal Toots the other day. Sunshine and everything. It was a digital trip so I won't show it here but we had a lovely coffee and kake in a cafe. made it all worthwhile.

I still have a couple of films from me hols to develop. Somehow I don't seem to be 'on it' quite so quickly these days. I mean there's an unscanned film right in front of me as I type. Obviously full of masterpieces but perhaps they need to mature before I look at them.


gz said...

The sunshine was nice while it lasted!
Anticipating your images eagerly

Harvey said...

Another lovely cyclist portrait. It’s a modern phenomenon, this why put off until tomorrow what you could do today. The wise know exactly why. Things need the right amount of time. No one buys 9 year, 364 day old whiskey. No right thinking Italian whips out his salami at fifteen weeks. As long as there’s enough cake and coffee, and we don’t have to wait too long between piccies, then your sweet time is just the right amount.
Holibobs, you say?!