Every now and again, my friend Marshall and I, who, like myself is a cycle racing coach, take off to a local cafe for a chatette about photography and associated areas. An interesting if rambling conversation ensues [Marshall is 100% didgital, I am moving rapidly backwards now using glass plates from time to time] and we drink coffee and nibble, delicately in my case, cakes.
This weeks jaunt was no exception with a short drive to a village that has always intrigued me since it still has a Socialist Workers club.
Coffee duly supped, we took off for a short stroll along the river to a place where we decided to sit a while and I took the opportunity to snap Marshall with my Agfa record/Tmax400. nice sharp lens it has too.
Not long after we took off along the adjacent canal where some boatmen were doing things interesting with an old barge. Here is the boat rope man - again on the Agfa. Both Marshall and myself coming away somewhat encvious at the boatmans semingly idyllic life.

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