The nice thing about trolling all the way to somerset, apart from seeing the family, is when Lyne, my sister comes up with a fine idea for a day trip. This time we went up to Fyne Court in the Quantocks - just near Johnny Depp's house as it happens. Here's a snap from the ilford Sporti of a folly in the gardens.
soory but we've been living off Johnny Depp for a year or two - I was telling people he was moving in 2 doors on the right - but sadly (for my daughter!) it's not true! - it's an architect from London!
yeah, not sure i belived it either - since, he is supposed to be moving into a croft on St kilda !
I don't suppose among the vast number of photos you've taken of the Isle of Lewis that there are any of the County Court House, in Stornoway?
It seems my great grandfather had a hand in building it but there are no photos on line that I could find.
None yet, but I shall see what I can do Barry.
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