So, we get back from our jaunt to Ingrland to see family and friends and find that for a few weeks its going to be a slog. Firstly the veg patch needs to be dug and planted then the peats must be cut - or at least commenced. At least there are no midges - yet, the sun is shining and there is always the sea to gaze when you [Eve actually] gets tired. At the moment the ships of the European [and US now] navys are playing at sailors in the Minch so we keep a wary eye out in case they slip and press the wrong button. The fishermen have already scarpered to the other side of the island for safety!
As you can see, we share the load - Eve digs the veg patch - and the peats and I direct and take photos. Seems fair.
I actually saw a documentary on Swedish television a few days ago showing the cutting of peats, and a lot of mindblowing sceneries and views from your island as well as the other islands around you. I totally get why you like it there!
Brill. Bit achy at the moment after just one hour cutting the peats today. are you sure you don't fancy a week here to help cut the peats Bosse??
I would love to, only thing is I'm still busy chopping my wood...
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