Sunday, January 30, 2011

Curry, Texel and Maison du Vent

Gratuitous non-landscape landscape snap

We went to Maison du Vent last night. Oh what a fine evening we had. Company was excellent - the adult-letts entertaining and the curries magnificent. Positively superb. Only surpassed by a curry house in de Koog on the Dutch island of Texel - you know, where the sheeps come from.

We were there on our Lavender coloured tandem. Why not? It's a magnificent place for cycling as it has cycle paths all over the island. Having said that, there were so many cycling visitors, some of the paths were very busy necessitating a visit to a cycle shop to get a bell. Eh? Perhaps Lewis & Harris could learn something from that!

We'd cycled /tandemed from the north of the island down the lovely cycle path behind the dunes in the morning sunshine before the afternoon rain and we were in need of a bite to eat. De Koog loomed. I snapped up some beach huts and then into town we went soon spotting a curry house. No sooner had we parked the tandem than we were inside and waiting for food.

Now, I'm not sure if it was that we were famished, the sun was shining and we had had a lovely ride on car-free, smooth tracks but that particular curry could not have been better. I am, I might add here, easily swayed. After getting lost up above Edale, Derbyshire in a snow-storm for a few hours one day [another day since you ask. Please keep up!] I dragged myself into the Penny Pot cafe there by the train station and had hot-chocolate and chips. I don't think Hector Bluementhal could have made them any better that day - not even foamed chips. It all tasted superb that day!

Anyway, Mr Windy's curries were excellent, the something or other superb, the other one lovely and so on. And we thank them.

Note; I do have some curry-fuelled snaps but I edited them out since I don't want to be lamped by Beth!


Anonymous said...

You said, on a BBC programme I saw a little while ago, that you didn't do landscapes. But that's not true. You do. They are very good. They capture, more than the scene itself, your own feelings and attachments. There's a yearning that makes me feel I want to be there too.

Andrea Ingram said...

I know.
I don't really 'do' landscapes. I just snap them. I 'do' other types of photos.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting response. It prompts the query what is it you 'do' in other types of photos that you don't 'do' in snaps. I've just looked at Fay Godwin's site. She marked as 'snaps' some of her most arresting images - many of them instantaneous responses to what she saw. No time to think. Just shoot. If you 'do' other types of photos is there something else in the 'doing' there that you don't 'do' in your snaps? And do you value them more for that? My first reaction was right. Your landscapes are fine - whether you 'do' them or not.

Andrea Ingram said...

David, thanks for getting me thinking. My 'snaps' are images I take virtually without thought - they happen on a whim when I feel I must take a snap. Nothing purposeful really. When I 'do' an image, I do it purposefully intending to make something of it. It doesn't always work but when it does it pleases me greatly. This one for example The Images seen on my flickr stream are more the images I 'do'. Possibly.