Friday, July 05, 2013

I've been busy

I know that makes a change but, it's true [ish].

For a start, Eve and I have bought a wee boat - the sort with sails, string stuff everywhere, a sort of engine and a little housey on the top. How good is that? Of course I haven't got any snaps of it? What do you take me for, eh?

Then I saw this fab documentary - here. Do check it out, it is well worth the time

Then I've making some pinhole cameras. You know - all glue and foamcore. One actually works which pleases me no end. These neg scans are the first tests . Rubbish I know but one has to start somewhere.

 Of course I needed rest. Merely to time the exposure you understand [1 hourish]

I mean if you want proper photographising go and look at Mr A Sanderson's excellent site :-)


trimaliny said...

The first one is a little scary, but i like it. Good luck with another photos from your pinhole...

Laurie said...

A boat! how exciting! Many adventures ahead!

Anonymous said...

It's not called the Titanic by any chance?

Andrea Ingram said...

Well, Anonymous, is that hope or concern?