Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Ellenabeich - quite possibly

Back on Seil Island - not an island at all now apparently but reached by crossing a bridge all the same - I took some snaps. That's the sort of thing I do. What else would I do?

We were near Easdale island - a real island by all accounts reached by a boat and everything, when you land at the right one. [at least I think it was here. If not, it must have been somewhere else - although the snap remains the same].

I think Eve must have been somewhere near judging by the hair! Stlll, I like to have Eve in the snap when I can so that's alright. I'm sure the camera club people must really appreciate this snap!

Oh, look at that. Another Eve snap. Not sure what was happening here but to be honest I don't think she should take up acting and everything.

Were you expecting me to do a landscape or something. You know full well I don't 'do' those and Coelyne of The Coelynes may be reading this and it's Wednesday. At least I think it's Wednesday. It certainly feels like Wednesday anyway. Rain and all that. Wind too.

THIS IS NOT A LANDSCAPE. It is merely a portrait of a place. Just so you know.

Now, tell me you don't like it and I'll not 'do' any more portraits of places.

1 comment:

Graham Edwards said...

'Portrait of a place'. Another opportunity for plagiarism. The pic is a beautifully proportioned study in texture and light. I love it. I don't say that about many B & W portraits of places (or landscapes for that matter).