Thursday, October 03, 2013

Toots' intentions

I have a pal. Several in fact. Several who take snaps with film cameras too. How's that for good fortune? Eh?

One of these pals is Mr Toots who lives just up the road in the next collection of houses at the other end of the 'straight' across the moor just south of hereabouts. I can't see his abode from here - which is just as well since the sight of him in his rabbit-eared onsies might put me off my breakfast.

Still, he's a pal and just before Eve and I took off for the mainland last week I took a stroll on the beach with the man - avec cameras and all that. And film and everything.

I took some snaps, meditated and all that. Tapped my toe and all and eventually I persuaded him to leave. I have now developed the film and scanned it. Here it is. Maybe Toots' film is still in the camera??

Without Coelyne of The Coelynes here to keep him on track it could be next year before we see Toots' snaps.

National Poetry day. Listen here please

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