Tuesday, December 31, 2013


We don't get many visitors. Maybe it's because we have a very small house. Or there's too many snaps hanging around the place or something. But when visitors do turn up it is rather lovely.

We had a visitation from Villager of the the year 2013 - or it might have been Villager of the week, Anyway, Mrs Up Yours called in for a chin wag which was grand. Dot came and met GZ and Vic who are up from Ayrshire for  a week or so. How's that then ? Eh?

No, this is not GZ and Victor rather it's Gemma, William and Ben who also came on a very welcome visitation to the gaff the other day - all the way from Cromor. I notice here that Ben seems more than a little concerned about Gemma's marine-broomstick. Well, it worked!

See, we were down here towards the beach. Sand down there, a fantastic landscape that never ceases to amaze me up here!

Then we met the nice Mr Four Tractors just checking we are not pinching the village's beach or, flying round on a broomstick. Gemma wasn't, it was a marine broomstick after all.

Thanks everso for looking here in 2014. I shall be back in 2014 with some more masterpieces and lots of snaps. Plus some accompanying drivel.

I wish you all the very best for the year ahead.

1 comment:

Dorothy Ross MacIver said...

I thought it was Villager of the Century - well, they'll have to wrestle that cup out of my cold, dead hands! :)

It was lovely to be seen :)