Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Did I tell you there's a wedding soon?

Yes, a wedding. And no, the snap is not related. Well, it is in that the piggies is 'owned' or at least looked after by The Crofter Sir and Mrs2b.

This week is their wedding. Have been searching for something that doesn't require ironing. That's the bane of weddings, one is almost obliged to use an iron on ones' clothes and the iron may or may not work! Have people not heard of Crushed Cotton - quite the latest thing I hope.

Camera to take to said wedding; it's indoors this ere wedding. Hotel and all that - one with a roof so I am preparing well. I have form with photographing these events. Just check here for a few masterpieces from previous matrimonials and everything.

In celebration of this momentous event, I'd love you to send me your fav celebratory snaps to be shown here - soon . wiesmier [at] hotmail.co.uk

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