Monday, June 26, 2017

Few days ....

Few days are complete without a walk on one of the islands' many beaches. This is Traigh Mhor in the village complete with ox-bow puddle where the river comes out. The water is often brown here as it carries the stains from the peat the water emanates from. After it comes from the clouds, and the evaporation etc.

Were walked along the track looking down at this magnificent beach yesterday. Bit better than the day before when we got the car stuck in wind blown soft, dry sand on a track on the west side of the island. Twas blowing a mere force 8, the waves crashing on the remote beach and the sand migrating onto the track from the beach. I mis-judged it somewhat and we spent the next half an hour digging the vehicle out with out hands. Needless to say the car ended up full of wind blown sand - as did we. Sand has been falling out my hair ever since ! At least, I hope it's sand !


Mike said...

Very nice image and story.

Graham Edwards said...

When the children were small (as they were once) we used to take them to play in that little ox-bow puddle. I expect the water has changes several times since then. It was very brave (as in foolhardy) to take the car down there.

Andrea Ingram said...

It would be Graham but it was on the west side at Shawbost where we got stuck