Saturday, September 02, 2017


There he is; Ron, a long time friend of my sister Lynne whom I have got to know over the years. He came down from Welsh Wales for Lynne's birthday party in her housey place and got caught up in de-tree-stumping the orchard so the grass cutting machine wouldn't get broked as it went between the trees - and near a few of Lynne's bee hives - hence the suit.

We all celebrated with a bubble-off in the garden.

One thing I do notice is that down there in the soft south, as well as the millions of cars, the noise and heat was that the light, when the sun shines, is so very harsh. No wonder James Ravilious liked to use low-contrast lenses.


Roy Karlsvik said...

Oh me, oh my...! I think I have to read this again, some time in the morning when hopefully being a bit less affected by the over there in scotch whisky sort of thing. The Isley stuff, you know. Ardbeg, Laphroig and what have you...
I'll be good in the morning, though!
And if I'm not... they're great snaps as always!

Roy Karlsvik said...

OK, I just made a fool out of myself, as usual!
I love them both, the snaps, but that last one is something very different I must say. Bubbles and all... absolutely very lovely you know.
I might just as well give it a few hours, don't you think?

Andrea Ingram said...

Easy does it Roy