Friday, December 22, 2017

It might be Windy this holiday

There they are, the lovelies that are Mr Windy and his gorgeous wifey Deanne, posing in front of something, somewhere. Bumped into them whilst thinking about considering the likelihood of actually getting round to make a list for the festive period. I do this most years and hang the list as decoration. It looks lovely like that I can tell you.

It's getting to that time of year......


gz said...

it is that time of year...and we've turned the corner towards the summer and hopefully the sun

Harvey said...

Hurrah for he. I’m pleased you give adequate contemplation to matters festive and leave the haste for those with a more misplaced enthusiasm. On matters equinoxical it occurred to me driving to work past the stoned henge that pagans have no truck with matters meteorological as not even the mist rose all day.