Saturday, August 04, 2018

Looking for The Edge

I was allowed out to play the other day and chose to accompany his Tootship on his quest to find the edge. It's for a project that's been gestating for some years and now slowly is coming to fruition. After lugging his heavy studio tripod there and back again to a little island, we missed the cafe being open on the way back so Toots decided to make up for it by going down here to see this o-er on the west side of the island. It was warmish yet overcast and cloudy. I like it that way yet Toots was less than satisfied but did extract his camera from the car to shoot here - once he had inspected the place to ensure it really was the edge.

See, his Tootship all eager to get out with something to expose - as it were.

1 comment:

gz said...

The Edge of what is the will be good to see the finished work,eventually