Friday, November 09, 2018


Had a nice day thanks all the same. The wind is howling as I write this though. I need to go out to our wee boatee in t'harbour to sort out the boom which seems to have come untied but it's far too rough for me :-(

Just to reassure you all, I am still here having gone out t'boat and all. The harbour was calm, the dingy I re inflated and set the o/b on the back - which died halfway out to the boat mooring - so I rowed in between cursing. Then I found a bit of big string holding a pole thing up had broken causing a falling down of the horizontal pole at the end [topping lift broke]. I using my best parecel knots and tided the fallen pole to the boat to prevent it slapping about and breaking more things then rowed back. I arrived back at the marina in a right old lather since it was warm and laid in the bottom of the dingy to recover my senses. I have been somewhat creaky ever since.

1 comment:

gz said...

Good to hear that you managed to sort Frejya

Wet and windy here too