Sunday, June 30, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Friday, June 28, 2019
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Long necked sheeps thingies
Not sure what they are crossing their sheeps with here but I like the look of them. I like the coffee and cake too in the cafe at Alpaccinos.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Monday, June 24, 2019
It may have been the same island but not the same day. Below that fateful day after I'd fallen off then got heavily rained on, and above |Toots Wilson admiring the beach and totally missing what seems to have been a space-ship landing on a near isle.
Both shot on good old kodacolor 35mm film.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Have I told you we have horses here? No? Well, we have horses here. Particularly in our village where there is a thriving pony trekking organisation. I don't think this is one of their horses on an account of it's short legs. Perhaps it shrank in all the rain we have been having.
Friday, June 21, 2019
boats and that jazz. love em or hate them. Tis both for me. I love a bit of sailing but now we have passed on the good ship Freyja to someone who will use her more, I am trying not think about bobbing about on the water.
However, wee boatees and bigger one are all over the place up here in the damp north. Like this one at Brevig 'Harbour' captured with the Voigtlander Perkeo the other day
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Ex town planner
Toots Wilson still spends part of every day trying to perfect his secret ex-town planners handshake.
Monday, June 17, 2019
it was here MiLord
This my dear reader, is where I fell off last time [assuming I haven't fallen off again since I have written this]. It is I must admit a glorious spottette and Eve is there gazing out to the Atlantic and wondering how she ended up with me.
I was shaky and that is expressed in the image. shall try and do better.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Friday, June 14, 2019
Thursday, June 13, 2019
ON rc paper
yep, Ilford RC paper from a Polypan-f neg. Wamnted to a quick darkroom sesh and found tthis gem - part of a 35mm neg. I like it very much. [until I turned it upside down :-( ]
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
The Artist [formerly known as Jon]
Here, The Artist [formerly known as Jon] works in one of his 'offices'. The modern man at work while that weeks' charges [Riitta & Karoline] play in the landscape.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
We have weather here. All our own weather and everything. In Tolsta we can have fog whilst in the next village bright sunshine and on the other side of the island rain. Such it was the other day, that ill-fated day when I fell off my bike again. Sunshine all over the island except the little spot on Great Bernera where we were cycling [and the 'Free' Church were having a a beach party ] where we had torrential rain.
Of course I used a hand held meter for this.
Monday, June 10, 2019
I was there too once
Look, don't bother me please. I fell off my bike again the other day and I'm sore. My neck aches, my leg is bruised as is my self-worth. I am, it has to be said, sad.
Sunday, June 09, 2019
Another wall
Ms Riitta the Stylist/Artist goes back to her home in NY now. NY I hear you ask [ I used to have good hearing you know]. Yes even though Riitta is Finnish she reside in USofA with her wife.
We here on the island are hoping that both Riitta and Karoline come back for another visit. Such an inspiring two.
Saturday, June 08, 2019
Friday, June 07, 2019
Thursday, June 06, 2019
them eyes are getting bigger
Those international Scandinavian artists Riitta and Karoline here preparing a site for the studio the other day. I took the liberty of snapping them up as they rummaged around only, I don't seem to have the got the hang of the colour thing. In fact, I'm not sure I ever have got the hang of how to do it properly with film. I shall have to have lessons or something.
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
Lf you ever been up here on the island, one thing that becomes apparent quickly it that we 'do' telegraph and leci poles. I love the look of them and if can include them in my snaps. For some reason I hate the look of wind-turbines.
Tuesday, June 04, 2019
Vivitar UWS
Monday, June 03, 2019
Eyes as big as plates

Riitta [triple RRRRRRR on pronunciation] sporting the headress she made from the fruits of the peatbank. I wore this thing - imagine! Then they covered me with more heather so you could hardly see me [better] and then shot me on film. eh? How good is that? Brilliant actually. can't wait to see the image. I did tell them I am Andrea One-Chin Ingram so it should be ok. oooof, it looks like a peat spirit has settled next to Riitta in the snap above.
Riitta and Karoline on the peat bank. Riitta is Finnish out of New York whilst Karoline is Norwegian out of Norwegianshire - or somewhere like that.
These lovelies are giving a talk on their work in an Lanntair on Tuesday at 6pm. be there if you can.
It with great sadness that I must tell you of the passing of the wonderful HHHCB - our cat who was knocked down yesterday and died instantly. We shall miss her enormously.
Sunday, June 02, 2019
Saturday, June 01, 2019
Riitta and Karoline
International artists Riitta and Karoline were out on Tolsta peats looking a place to build their new gallery. Only, they were put off by the locality of the newly planned turbines so just planned a shoot instead. This was out in the evening checking the site. Check their wonderful website out - and go to their talk at Lanntair this coming Tuesday evening - for FREE.
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