Sunday, June 09, 2019

Another wall

Ms Riitta the Stylist/Artist goes back to her home in NY now. NY I hear you ask [ I used to have good hearing you know]. Yes even though Riitta is Finnish she reside in USofA with her wife.

We here on the island are hoping that both Riitta and Karoline come back for another visit. Such an inspiring two.


Harvey said...

There’s a dearth of honest inspiration in the world today so you’re lucky to have experienced it. It matters little the area of expertise but if you’ve got inspiring people they’ve got you.

R said...

It was such a treat to meet you! Thanks for including us in your vortex! Miss you all - and I'm a little soothed by the return-culture-shock by this wonderful blog of yours. Merci! xxxxxx