Thursday, June 04, 2020

Sometimes a little stroll down the road with a cheap camera does the trick.

I was so pleased yesterday morning to read a couple of Tweets [yes, that] that pleased me up greatly.
Firstly a fine clip from the great Chris Packham on #Springwatch talking about great things perhaps coming from lockdown. Very uplifting.

Then there was a clip of POTUS Barak Obama taking a walk in the park. Lovely to see and a direct contrast to the dangerous idiot that came after him. Sorry I cannot link, I don't know how to.

Yes, we are lucky here. The sun was shining too.

The grass is green here I might add

Although the ground is somewhat arranged interestingly.

We came and went on this track.

1 comment:

Harvey said...

I do love the wrinkles in your land up there, it’s the unfinished ironing of geomorphology. Nicely portraited as always.