Sunday, February 14, 2021


Apologies, I hadn't realised it was today already. It was only yesterday a few moments ago and now.......

This, whateveritis, is now upsetting my time clock. Time expands and contracts willy-nilly. I'm struggling to cope.

The car recently backed into a lamppost too. The post neither looked or signalled before it leapt out behind and the car hit it. I have to admit I was sitting in the driving seat at the time - although I can't say I was actually driving it. Properly anyway.

Now the flippin car backend has a big ding in it and it's going to be an arm and leg jobbie! Wonders never cease.

Happy Valentine eh?


Graham Edwards said...

Commiserations and Happy Valentine.

gz said...

Oh dear, poor car..and poor pocket!

I was sure Friday was's all topsy turvy