Tuesday, October 26, 2021

No, not the boardwalk


From a fine local stroll with his Tootship the other day.

Somehow I don't think Toots was that impressed at my over-snapping.

We went and had a try at bowls. That's the flat green type not crown green or  bowling. That's the sort of people we are. Never done it before but since we are of an age and in my case, falling apart it's a sport I could manage.  Oh, what fun was had although I never did work out who my teammate was or get the hang of the rules apart from trying to keep the big marbles on the carpet and getting it close to the small marble. It was a real challenge to stay on the green carpet and must have joined in the next mats' game several times. Then the ball shot off over the end of the mat with other players fielding hem like a game of cricket. Enjoyed it a lot though so I shall go again and try to work out how to do it properly.

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