Monday, December 18, 2023

walls and sticks


Down over there [vaguely pointing down t'road ] is this there pile of rock, and some sticks in the ground. 


I have no idea.


gz said...

Goal posts?!

Harvey said...

Neanderthal badminton court. Legend has it that on a particularly windy day the ladies were fed up with their freshly bear-combed perms being destroyed by the nor’-easterly winds, and frustrated by their men-folks obsession with sport decided to re-purpose the net as hairnets. This led to the local team, the WiseMeer Wallopers, being disqualified from the Island League. The posts remain as a reminder of that fateful time in Scottish sport.

I’m baaacckkkk 😁

0 said...

I think you may well be right Harvey.
Seasons greetings