Saturday, June 22, 2024


 The car is currently on holiday as I write. It's down at Garry beach. I stupidly made way off the edge of the lane for some visitor in a car who would not back up to a passing place behind them. As a consequence, the side of my car tyre blew out. It's flat all the way round and a can of sealant and endless pumping did no good. After walking back to a spot where there was a phone signal, we called the good Crofter who came out to collect us and take us back home in his shiney land rover thing. Very kind as usual.

As I write, the day after we await the arrival of the local mobile tyre man who hopefully fit a new tyre and pump it up.

In the meantime do gaze at this snap of the west side of the island.

1 comment:

Harvey said...

A West Side Story that was. There may even have been sharks we can’t see.
The lack of proper spare tyres on cars these days is ridiculous isn’t it. Some committee were paid good money for that decision.