Saturday, September 21, 2024

grasses in the wind


These are just down t'road o'er the top of the road to a beach. Trust me, there is a nice beach there but I don't go down there now on account of perhaps not being able to get back without the help of a working vehicle which seems to be in short supply. I mean our wee car is working but The Crofter seems to have a myriad of old vehicles pilling up on the croft. And Donald four tractors is still bicycle bound which is no bad thing.

Since summer seems to have arrived albeit  rather late we, that's Eve and I took off for a wee bike potter round the village and down to another beach. So lovely to be active again although I may have to rest for a couple of days after that.

We have a planned a few days off island soon - please don't tell Keith as he really prefers not to be in prison whilst the sun is shining.  No chance to take Hungry there as we cannot even get him to the cat doctor when required..

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