Friday, September 27, 2024

To the right hon ......


Summer came late and then promptly left again.

As the sun shone this beach was busy with swimmers and walkers and a few paddlers [us two]. It was glorious although I was minded to write a stiff letter to Torcuil our MP about the course of the stream that enters the beach here now creating a huge puddle. Surely a newly elected MP can sort out the shape of the sandbar which now holds knee deep water behind it. Having said that the water was warm [ish].


Harvey said...

Puddle? Puddle! Seven nights I slaved away with my bucket and spade to create the Lewis Lido. Phase two was building sand castle changing rooms, but that’s not happening now. Oh no. I shall be taking my bucket and spade home and locking it away in the secret place. Harrruuummmppphhhh.

Anonymous said...

We hope you're not flooded!