Not sure what this is called. It's by Colin Myres here on the island and depicts skyline outside Stornoway's Criterion bar - presumably as you have come out of it after a sesh. It was a reflection from a curved window opposite.
Not sure what this is called. It's by Colin Myres here on the island and depicts skyline outside Stornoway's Criterion bar - presumably as you have come out of it after a sesh. It was a reflection from a curved window opposite.
Such is life.
Not been down here for a while, but hey, the sun is shining so I won't go there today either. Howeverr, I have been there.
In the summer parlour, the walls are hung with some art collected from artists I know or have known. This first gem by local artist, teacher and all round good egg Christine Morrrison . It's called "fissure" and I love it.
Apologies for the bad phone snap.
I shall show you other pieces I have in this room soon. if I remember.
The orange blob is back. His mum came from a village just up the road - an illegal immigrant to usa I'm led to believe. Sorry about that.
I know what has happened over there but I spent to day snapping on the dunes and watching indoor lawn bowls. The world felt good.
The snapping machine was a Bronica sq only, I hadn't realised I'd already put film in and opened it up messing it up somewhat and making the film counter start again. as a result I had 5 shots left on the roll of FP4 . this was one I like.
Another of my several 505si cameras has reached the downward spiral of usefulness. As with the others, the viewfinder mirror has discoloured gravely rendering it useless. This was one it's last images with a 50mm lens the other day. I used Foma 400@200 and developed in good old Rodinal.
Little snap from a Nikon V1 d*g*tal camera I have in my possession. We were out for a little strollete in the next village or two when I snapped this tree with dearest Eve adjacent.
The weather was fine if a little chilly as the snow crunched beneath our feet.
We have had snow here for the past few days. Looks lovely but then I don't have to drive in it. we took a few strolls and keith insisted on accompanying us from time to time. This time the imaging device I had on my person was a bit of a Frankencamera - a Zorki6 body and Chroma Double glass 24mm f11 lens loaded with old old polypan-f asa 25 film. For once the camera worked, I held it still properly and Keith didn't smile in that sickly way we humans often do.
love the snap but not camera lens combination.
The genre that is blurry snaps I like very much. It's becoming much more popular these days with lots of peeps on the interweb.
I rather like this snap of Eve on the local dunes.
I posted it some while back but here it is again. Sorry and all that.
The weather has gone off. The rain is coming down almost horizontally as the wind comes in from the north. It's a tad chilly too so we have not ventured out yet [writing this Monday. tbh I hadn't realised it was monday when I woke this morning. Seem to have got a bit out of sync] / Keith has come in shouting because he's sodden after being out in the rain and Hungry is luxuriating upstairs.
The weather does not do good this for the infrastructure here. This nest of bins lost most of their house in recent blows. Not sure who designed that but I wont be employing them.
Look, look I found another tree - or tree like object. Back in Bac as it is in the local. I get fuel for my horseless carriage here as it the cheapest on the island and the most local. There's a hairdresser, a barber, a coffee and muffin shoppe as well as a car repair person next door too.
A quick snap of one of those new fangled metal and plastic bus stops that are constantly requiring repair because of the local weather. This is actually intact although somewhat grimy. I prefer the concrete behemoths that are virtually indestructible and always grim.
Eat your heart out Toots, the first tree of 2025 and everything. A proper old one in the castle grounds up in the big town of Stormoway. No idea what sort of tree it is since you ask but I sure someone will tell me.
The snow was still around yesterday but took a cup of coffee, not at the cafe of choice [ The Hub] which was full to bursting but at a little place nearby. The coffee was fine although the atmosphere less so. The walk afterwards was nice too and we found more trees which since they stood still I quickly snapped up with the OM1 or is it a Om2? Who knows ? I do know I can't focus the blimin thing so well these days.
Yes those white spots are snow sprinkles reflecting the on camera flash that went off unexpectedly. It didn't spoil the stroll we took down the road towards Number 1 North Tolsta along with Keith the cat. We found the air was crisp and relatively calm after a cold snowy night.
I have a plan to try and kick start Mr Toots into a photo project this year. I know it's like kicking a wall but I feel I want to persist. Toots has a thought to photograph trees for some reason that escapes me. So i thought I'd start the snapping the things to encourage him Only, I couldn't face going out to find some proper trees as there none near here and it would have a meant a drive the next village at the least and on slippery roads. So we went home and had a nother cup of tea.
This rare snap of mine was taken with a canon eos 50, 40mm lens and HP5 film should you care to know.
A very Happy and healthy New Year to my reader.
I made it to 2025 after a bumpy 2024. And I celebrate the day with a dig*tal snap by dearest Eve. Here I am pictured just before I staggered along the paths of the Castle grounds in Stormoway yesterday. It was wet. And lovely I might add.
We had been to the cinema the day before to see a 'documentary' about a bear in Peru which was a tad disappointing in the end. Surprised me that there were so many kids there for a subject matter as was, but by the end of the endless ads beforehand most of them were asleep anyway.
As you might imagine we painted the town red last night [in our dreams] and saw the new year in while we slumbered. such are the delights of old age.
I hopr 2025 is going to be peaceful and healthy for us all.