Saturday, January 04, 2025

a tree


Eat your heart out Toots, the first tree of 2025 and everything. A proper old one in the castle grounds up in the big town of Stormoway. No idea what sort of tree it is since you ask but I sure someone will tell me.

The snow was still around yesterday but took a cup of coffee, not at the cafe of choice [ The Hub] which was full to bursting but at a little place nearby. The coffee was fine although the atmosphere less so. The walk afterwards was nice too and we found more trees which since they stood still I quickly snapped up with the OM1 or is it a Om2? Who knows ? I do know I can't focus the blimin thing so well these days. 

1 comment:

Harvey said...

Ooh, that’s an interesting convoluted tree. A lot of indecision involved in growing up to look like that.