Barry asked me if i had taken any snaps of the courthouse in Stornoway - which I had not. I may currently work in that field but had no real reason till now to snap the place. So, here it is - the Court House that Barry's grandfather had a hand in building.
Thank you Andrea,
That is deeply appreciated.
My ggrandfather William lived on the Isle of Lewis for a year in 1869 working on the Courthouse. His little son John Green Fraser was born in November of that year but died at 11 days of age and is buried there.
William move to the Isle of Skye for another 3 years before bringing his family to Canada where he became an architect helping with the construction of some of our City's great landmarks such as our Union Station.
The Courthouse on Lewis is the first building we know he worked on and having a chance to see it is a precious gift.
Thank you.
Glad you like it Barry. Do you happen to know where John Green Fraser was buried on the island? I could check that out for you too if I can.
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