Monday, September 24, 2012


 George goes to his crop

George basks in the glow

Apparently, according to George, the growing of veg around the village of New Tolsta [just a few hundred yards from North Tolsta - which is south of New Tolsta !! ] has declined markedly. Even in George's lifetime it has gone down. The crofts hereabouts are often neglected - or at least, under-used. There's sheeps on some, coows on some others but few veg. Maybe its part of the culture here - they do eat a lot of meat after all. 

The Stornoway abattoir had pigs and poor sheeps awaiting their sad fate outside this morning when I passed getting the papers for the village shoppe. I really hate seeing that and must remember to go the other way round at this time of year.

Still, George likes to be close to the land, lifting his crop of potatoes that he sowed in a traditional old way - whatever that is. Eve has a few veg growing at some land we have use of at The Batty's - but not half as much as The Battys have growing. Or The Crofter.