Sunday, December 02, 2012

Lith and all that wabi and sabi stuff

I like wabi and sabi and the thoughts behind it - whatever they are.The idea is sound trust me. This image I might think has a touch of the sabi about it with the essence of wabi. It shows The Crofter - bless his little cotton-mix-socks admiring the beasts that are his coows and currently residing on an apportionment.

I liked the image so much I took the neg into the darkroom along with the last of my lith developer and exposed the thing onto Agfa Portriga paper - happily out of date. The result was muddy, un-defined and somewhat flawed. I chucked it into some sepia bleach for a minute or so, washed it then threw it into the sepia itself.

It wasn't any better so it became assigned to the sabi of the wabi essence slot.

This is art. Trust me.

1 comment:

mbt said...

and very fine're excelling yourself of late don't you think?