I'm not sure what you expected with this post but I'm just loving my fuzzy snaps. They do the 'thing' that needs to be done. Or something like that anyway. See, look how, how,,,,,,,,,,,,,whatever . Well, that snap's nice isn't it? Eh? A pasty shop, a bit of movement and black and white fuzz, what more can one ask? Apart from brilliance that is. And I don't 'do' that any more than I 'do' landscapes.
But when there's a fine little camera-ette in my grubby paws, film inside and there are persons milling about, I just can't resist.
Just look at that. Nothing at all sharp. Bit of light, bit of dark. There you have it. Eh?
And then there's this one - almost sharp - for which please accept my humblest apologies. Should be part of a 'on-texting' series. And near Gira.... too.
On a more local note, I notice the new huge village owned turbine started turning for a while today. Then stopped again. Apparently, it can't talk to Germany so it has to stop. Obviously!