Tuesday, October 08, 2013

R. Mutt; Urinal

Those that know me may not agree, but I talk a lot. I like talking as it happens. You learn a lot talking to people. And sometimes, just once in a wee while I say something interesting myself.

Today was not one of these days really. I listened to a really interesting fellow I had met before. And we discussed among other things Marcel Duchamp's Fountain. I prefer HCB's portrait of Duchamp - see here - it's a nice image and has essence of cycling in it too. What more does one want? Sound? Listen here Mrs "Up Yours"

Perhaps I did over-talk a bit today thinking back. I do most days. I am it has to be said a boring and inveterate talker. That's me. If you don't want to talk just humour me for a few moments and then tell me you have to go home to watch your vegetables grow. I won't be offended. Probably.

Grenville - "what does this bit do?" 


In the meantime enjoy some colour snaps on Kodak Portra 160 from the Voigtlander Perkeo. On Lapwing, the boat of Fleur and Grenville. On the big river through Londinium. This year.

1 comment:

Iain said...

Definitely a ttle/splash to grab the eye, this one!