Saturday, October 19, 2013

WTCD. And I am part of it.

World Toy Camera Day is today.

You take out your simple 'toy' camera often made of plastic loaded with film and shoot. I like this day. Enables me to shoot without thinking of anything bar the image. Apart from the weather. And what we are having for tea. And Mr Wilman Sir who is staying with us - which is just lovely and everything. That's not to say the snaps are any good but I like shooting them anyway. I am, as it happens using an Vivitar Ultra Wide and Slim this year - because I have one. Paid a least 99p for it some years ago.

I took it for a stroll the other day - just to let it breathe. It did.

What a little gem this plastic box is. Just love the thing. I shall use it all day I think. Maybe two rolls of film. Snip, snap, that sort of thing.

Ellen Hunter OBE; see above this is what one does!

In for a penny or possibly £1.50.

1 comment:

Graham Edwards said...

There's no doubt that B&W creates a greater atmosphere when photographing things like the old wreck in the harbour.