Friday, February 02, 2018


Have been influenced evero slightly from our recent trip and, as you may well see have adopted a completely new style. When I say completely, I do still use a camera and film. I still snap up but it is with renewed and invigorated intention. I am, as you might already have realised, trying to express my inner feminine self through the filter of memory and experience of memory. If only I could remember, but you get the idea I am sure.

This is one of the Urbanity in Scotland set. As was yesterdays snap - although I didn't know that then.


Graham Edwards said...

The strange thing is that when we talk over a cup of coffee I understand every word you say (and the order they are in).

Andrea Ingram said...

😀 I wish I did

Harvey said...

Well if that’s the effect of a reinvigorated intention then I think we should all have one😊 It reminds me of a theatre set somehow and as always lots going on so plenty to ponder, that’s what I enjoy with your style.

Roy Karlsvik said...

Loving every bit of it

gz said...

Moving and many ways.

Keep on with this!!

אביב יצחקי said...

I have not seen your blog for a long time, nice to see change in style

Denature said...

hello this very beatiful...