Tuesday, September 08, 2020

end of roll


What do other photographers do when they have not quite finished a roll? Of film that is. Not sweets in which case I'd eat the lot immediately.

 If the film has been in the film has been in the camera for as long as a couple of weeks I have to pop out and finish it. This was one of those snaps taken one evening near one of the village beaches [we, the village have three]. It was foma 100 and I actually used a tripod. Eh !

not sure why i bothered really


Graham Edwards said...

End of roll. So very droll. That'll keep me smiling all day.

DavidM said...

"Big Rock in Foreground" pictures are very popular with some popular photographers. This one – "Big Rock at the Side" is a welcome variation.
At least you're not using The Huge Stopper. Or are you?

Andrea Ingram said...

No idea what a big stopper is