Sunday, September 15, 2024

I know, I know .....


Yes I have snapped this before and it was uninspiring then too. I will try to do better.

Friday, September 13, 2024

I was complaining

 This snap lacks creativity. 

I was complaining about this sort of tired snap to my pal the other day. 

I really must get snapping something more intesting.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

four tractors' two wheels

 Yes, I found Mr Four Tractors riding a bicycle. 

Apparently his normal motorised wheels required some major tinkering on the mainland. Not sure why he didn't tractorise himself around but hey, nice to see him on a bike.

As for the snap I'd just leapt out of my vehicle with the Perkeo as he passed by.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Massey 65


I know little about tractors but the kind chappie who let me into his croft to have a closer look told me what it was. Either way for me it has a touch of the James Ravillious about the vegetation.

Eve and I had been out for a little pootle on our bikes in the unexpected sunshine. An interesting looking but minor side road road with a downhill aspect presented itself and there the Massey was. I was impressed I went back later to the spot in the horseless carriage along with the Perkeo camera. Not ideal for the job but all the same the resulting same looks ok.

Friday, September 06, 2024


Yes this is me with my hair tied back and blinking in the unexpected warm sunshine. Summer has arrived briefly - probably. I took this [hugely cropped] self portrait on an autofocus minolta using old old Kodak Fine grained positive film - on probably the only day this year I could use it. 

Developed the film in PQ Universal - as you do. Such a fine grain but iso 6 or so !! 

 And below is a real Mike Mullet built frame in the wild for Eve to ride on those Retro bike rides..