My dance teacher; Karmiena on Christmas Day. This is the 'swing' move.
I was discussing life, work and snapology today. We took a short trip to our small capitol where my good pal William met us to swap over the work equipment. Boxes exchanged, we looked at each other while William talked about 2011 over a mocha in the cafe. Twas very revealing I must say; William has made a 2011 resolution that he will provide a service for meditation, crystal therapy and colonic irrigation - just as soon as he can get the hosepipe extended out to the shed! Not sure if this is a service for the sheeps but either way I think I may avoid Cromor for a week or two till Williams little scheme has receded from his mind.
Then we caught up with Lewis Photographica over a coffee. Mr Coelyn was effervescent with excitetude for some reason. I suspect it's cabin fever after being somewhat house-bound after ballet step taught by Toots went wrong on the stairs. Mrs Coelyn tried the same move with a similar result. I suspect it was that since Toots was keeping very quiet today.
All the same Mr Coelyn suggested I try this and that in 2011 - and I might just do that or something like that. Possibly.
I am going to try a little more paper-neg photgraphising, continue some more documentary stuff around my home village and generally cause more imaging havoc. As I do.
Good job we're able to follow these lines on a daily basis (at leasst at the moment) or we may have thought that our Toots was moonlighting...not sure how she'll take to a bi-ped taking her name....
oh for the newyear!
seems the blog is changed up a bit, I'll have to stopby more often.
I for one look forward to your papernegative work
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